Update – Meeting dates, venues and archive storage


October meeting

It has been decided to hold the October meeting on Thursday 3rd October, 7pm at Brandon Library. Please note this is a change of date only.

November meeting

The November meeting will take place on the previously advertised date, 6th November, at the Engine House, Brandon Country Park, 7pm. Our guest will be Tim Holt-Wilson who will run a workshop on the storage and recording of heritage artefacts and ephemera.

December meeting

The date and venue for the December meeting is yet to be confirmed.

Archive storage

Brandon Town Council has kindly agreed to provide temporary storage for the BDLHS archive until a permanent solution can be found.

If you have any queries regarding the meetings of the BDLHS please reach out to us through the contact form on this website.


One response

  1. Our December meeting will be the AGM and Xmas social to be held at the Bridge Hotel, Brandon. Many thanks to Matt Arnold for kindly allowing us to use this venue.

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